Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): MNOP Part-2

Hi friends, in today’s topic we are discussing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): MNOP. Hope you have already read MNOP: Mail Network Optimization Project MCQ Quiz – Part 1.

Mail Network Optimization Project : MNOP

MNOP which stands for Mail Network Optimization Project is a flagship programme launched by Department of Posts [India Post] under the 11th Plan Scheme during March 2010 with the objective of rationalizing the mail network, streamlining mail operations & establishing a robust monitoring system. The project has been implemented after a thorough study and recommendation of McKinsey & company.

Awards for MNOP Project

MNOP implemented in the year 2010 could bring in robust changes in mail delivery system across the country. Though first implemented for Speed Post, it was later extended to other categories of Mails also. MNOP project received the National E-Governance Award 2012-13 under the category “Outstanding performance in citizen-centric service delivery” Government of India.

MNOP for IP Exam and PS Group B Exam

MNOP is an important topic when it comes to Departmental Exams like Inspector Posts Exam [IP Exam], Postal Service Group ‘B’ Exam [PS Group B Exam] and other departmental exams conducted by Department of Posts. Thus MCQ Quiz series on MNOP: Mail Network Optimization Project will be very useful for the aspirants.

Those who are preparing for these exams can use this as a way to polish their studies and assess their level of Knowledge. Do share this with your friends and sharing is the best way to improve knowledge. You can also check Model Questions for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam updated daily from here.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): MNOP Part-2

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Mail Network Optimization Project [MNOP]: Quiz - 2

Attempt Quiz and check your level of preparation!!

1 / 10

Under MNOP, Post Offices exchange mail with?

2 / 10

National Sorting Hubs(NSHs) exchange mail with?

3 / 10

Which among the following types of mail articles are included in MNOP?

4 / 10

What is the total number of Mandatory Scans for Offices Booking BNPL NTD category articles?

5 / 10

Intra Circle Hubs (ICH) can exchange mails with?

6 / 10

What is the full form of ICH under MNOP concept?

7 / 10

What is the full form of NSH under MNOP concept?

8 / 10

Time taken for processing of bags which are received before cut off time and its connection to available schedules for same-day delivery is taken into account in calculating which KPI?

9 / 10

Articles booked at offices in local TD and catchment area of given (NSH) Sorting Hub and delivered at Post Offices in local TD and catchment area of National Sorting Hubs other than given NSH are called?

10 / 10

What is the total number of KPIs available under the MNOP Business Intelligence (BI) as of January 2021?

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Question covered in this Quiz on MNOP

1. What is the total number of KPIs available under the MNOP Business Intelligence (BI) as of January 2021?

2. Articles booked at offices in local TD and catchment area of given (NSH) Sorting Hub and delivered at Post Offices in local TD and catchment area of National Sorting Hubs other than given NSH are called?

3. Time taken for processing of bags which are received before cut off time and its connection to available schedules for same-day delivery is taken into account in calculating which KPI?

4. What is the full form of NSH under MNOP concept?

5. What is the full form of ICH under MNOP concept?

6. Intra Circle Hubs (ICH) can exchange mails with?

7. What is the total number of Mandatory Scans for Offices Booking BNPL NTD category articles?

8. Which among the following types of mail articles are included in MNOP?

9. National Sorting Hubs(NSHs) exchange mail with?

10. Under MNOP, Post Offices exchange mail with?

Attempt Quiz to check right answers!! Do Bookmark our website and visit for more updates.

Also, you can check our other MCQ Series from here

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