Practice Test: IPO Exam 2019 Paper 2 Questions [Exam 49]

Hi friends, here is the Practice Test: IPO Exam 2019 Paper 2 Questions. In this Online Mock Test 60 Questions from Paper 2 of Inspector Posts Exam 2019 are covered. It is very Important to repeatedly revise the previous questions for IP Examination. This help to know about the exam pattern and difficulty level of exam.

Mock Test on Previous Year Questions from Inspector Posts Exam
Mock Test on Previous Year Questions from Inspector Posts Exam

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No.of Questions : 60 Questions

Time Limit: No time limit

[Exam Date: 2 December 2021 – 9.00 PM]

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Mock Test on Previous Year Questions from Inspector Posts Exam


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1 / 60

Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) (Rule 192 of GFR 2017) is used - for procurement of

2 / 60

How many years of regular continuous service including the period of probation Is required for Government servants to be eligible to avail study leave

3 / 60

Which is the authority empowered to accord individual exemptions for travel by Airline and other than Air India, in the cases of officials/officers of the Department of Posts entitled to travel by Air.

4 / 60

Letters of Credit is ordinarily used for?

5 / 60

Where the information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person, the same shall be provided as per the RTI Act

6 / 60

The financial powers of Regional PMG for hiring of vehicles in lieu of inspection vehicles and staff cars and against condemned inspection vehicles/staff cars is:

7 / 60

Casual Leave can be combined with

8 / 60

In case where on account of premature death of a Government servant, it becomes necessary to recover a part of the outstanding balance of an interest bearing advance sanctioned to the Government servant and/ or interest on the amount of such advance by adjustment either against Death Gratuity or leave salary actually drawn after the date of death of the Government servant, which one of the below options is correct:

9 / 60

Rule 69 (1) (c) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 deals with payment of Gratuity to Government servants who have departmental or judicial proceeding pending against them. What is the amount of gratuity that can be paid to Government servants when a Rule 9 case is still pending?

10 / 60

Which one of the following statements is False regarding Last Pay Certificate

11 / 60

Which of the following statement(s) is False with reference to CS(MA) Rules?

12 / 60

What is the maximum period of leave a Government servant may be permitted to take leave preparatory to retirement (to the extent of earned leave due, together with half pay leave due), subject to the condition that such leave extends up to and includes the date of retirement

13 / 60

Section 4 (2) of the RTI Act deals with providing as much information suo motu to the public at regular intervals. What is the purpose of such suo motu disclosure?

14 / 60

All cases of loss/fraud should be reported to the Police where the loss exceeds

15 / 60

Commemorative stamps are supplied by Nasik Security Press to;

16 / 60

Post office certificates may be accepted by Government officer as security provided that the holder transfers the certificates, with the permission of Head postmaster to the pledge. What is the value at which such Post office certificates are to be accepted?

17 / 60

As per manual on policies and procedures for purchase of Goods, an agreement is a contract enforceable by law when four principles are satisfied and a defect affecting any of these renders a contract un-enforceable. Three of these four as follows; (i) competency of the parties (ii) freedom of consent of both parties, and (iii) Lawfulness of consideration which is the fourth?

18 / 60

Interruption or break-in-service under FR 17-A will not affect one of the following:

19 / 60

What is the maximum that can be sanctioned as a compassionate allowance for a Government servant who is dismissed or removed from service?

20 / 60

What is the minimum annuitization and maximum lumpsum withdrawal permissible when a Government servant does pre-mature exit or voluntary retirement from NPS?

21 / 60

The limit of advance that can be drawn from GPF for purchase of consumer durables such as TV, Washing machine etc., is

22 / 60

What is meant by “Force Majeure”?

23 / 60

Which kind of leave can be granted to an official under suspension?

24 / 60

What is the minimum and maximum rate of honorarium payable for serving officials to function as Inquiry Officers(IO) in cases of departmental proceedings

25 / 60

When the contract is with domestic supplier, the applicable arbitration procedure will be as per

26 / 60

In a Two bid system (simultaneous receipt of separate technical and financial bids), which of the below mentioned procedure is correct as per Rule, 163 of GFR?

27 / 60

As per FR.49, what is the additional pay admissible to a government Servant who is appointed to hold additional charge of the current routine duties of another post

28 / 60

In a situation where a deceased Government servant is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible twin children from a divorced wife, who would be entitled to family pension

29 / 60

For the purpose of grant of family pension, who among the following is not categorized under Category-I

30 / 60

In the case of Post offices, the term “cash” includes which of the following:-
(1) the face value of such postage stamps held in stock
(2) the face value of such postage stationery held in stock
(3) Revenue stamps
(4) Postage on articles in deposit

31 / 60

The finance of the GDS Circle Welfare Fund shall comprise of which one of the following:

32 / 60

The financial powers of the Head of Circle for expenditure on printing essential and non-essential forms through private presses is

33 / 60

Which one of the following statements is False with regard to Treasury passbook?

34 / 60

Which one of the statements mentioned below is False as per the General Principles and Rules in Financial Hand Book, in case of any defalcation or loss of public money, departmental revenue or receipts, stamps, stores or other property

35 / 60

Regarding the method of pay fixation in respect of a Government servant transferred to a lower post under FR 15 (a) on his / her own request, which one of the following is not correct?

36 / 60

Which one of the below mentioned options is not correct with reference to Child Adoption Leave

37 / 60

Choose the most appropriate answer from the below options regarding drawal of pay and allowances for the day of the Government servant's death: -

38 / 60

The financial powers of the Head of Postal Division for emergent purchase of articles of stock & stationery not ordinarily available in the stock is:

39 / 60

Which one of the following statements is False in respect of CGEGIS, 1980

40 / 60

If an employee enters service on 5th January of a year, which of the following statements is True with regard to Central Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme

41 / 60

Where a request to provide information is being rejected, the Central Public Information Officer has to communicate Which of the following to the person making the request: (i) the reasons for such rejection, (ii) the period within which an appeal against such rejection may be preferred, (iii) the particulars of the appellate authority, (iv) the fee to be paid for appeal

42 / 60

According Central Vigilance Commission Guidelines, post tender negotiations for procurement, if Warranted under exceptional circumstances, can be held with the following

43 / 60

Which of the following statements Is True about Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO) 1) It was launched by Department of Posts in association with the Department of Personnel &Training 2) It is a facility to pay a fee online through e-Post Office Portal 3) eMail id is not mandatory 4) It can be used only by Indian Citizens living abroad

44 / 60

As per the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme, If a GDS resigned from service before normal exit, what is the percentage of accumulations the outgoing GDS would be required to invest to purchase a life annuity from any authorized life insurance company.

45 / 60

When the owner of a service book dies or resigns or is discharged the of his death, resignation or discharge (as the case may be) should be entered in his book. For how many hears the book or roll should be preserved in the custody of the Head of the office.

46 / 60

What is the maximum, a Government servant, who is re-employed after retirement, may on termination of his re-employment be granted cash equivalent in respect of earned leave to his credit (including the number of days for which encashment has been allowed along with leave travel concession while in service and including the period for which encashment was allowed at the time of retirement.

47 / 60

Which one of the following needs to be specified additionally when a Government servant is reduced as a measure of penalty to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time scale but will not apply when a Government servant is reduced to a lower stage in his time scale?

48 / 60

As per Section 20 of the RTI Act, what is the amount of penalty that can be imposed by the CIC for refusal to receive an application for information or malfidely deny to provide the correct information

49 / 60

As per Rule 21 (Standards of financial propriety) of GFR 2017, which one of the below mentioned statements of principle is not emphasised:

50 / 60

In cases where a Government servant has been sanctioned a second advance the bills for the advances should be submitted latest;

51 / 60

Stepping up of pay will not be admissible for a senior in which one of the following cases:

52 / 60

Request for withdrawal of a resignation shall not be accepted by the appointing authority under which one of the following circumstances

53 / 60

Choose the correct match in respect of Major Heads of expenditure i. 2049 (a) Postal Services ii. 3201 (b) Capital outlay on Postal Services iii. 3231 (c) Interest payments iv. 5201 (d) Appropriation from Posts and Telegraphs surplus

54 / 60

As per manual on policies and procedures for purchase of Goods, amount of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) should ordinarily be between what percentage of the estimated value of the goods to be purchased

55 / 60

What is the percentage of Service Books ordered to be inspected and initialed by the Head of the Office every year when entries in such documents are authorized to be attested by Accountants

56 / 60

Which one of the following statements is False about the scheme for opening and running creche

57 / 60

Contribution of leave salary and pension due in respect of a Government Servant on foreign service will be borne by

58 / 60

Extraordinary leave will not count as qualifying service for pension in one of the following cases:

59 / 60

Which category does the colour strips (i) Blue and (ii) Green at the top of the CGHS plastic cards indicate?

60 / 60

An alteration of date of birth of a Government servant can be made, among other conditions, with sanction of the Department’ Ministry, only if a request in this regard is made:

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Practice Test: IPO Exam 2019 Paper 2 Questions

1. As per FR.49, what is the additional pay admissible to a government Servant who is appointed to hold additional charge of the current routine duties of another post
10% of basic pay
5% of basic pay
No additional pay
10% of basic pay when additional charge is held for more than 6 month

2. Which of the following statements Is True about Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO) 1) It was launched by Department of Posts in association with the Department of Personnel &Training 2) It is a facility to pay a fee online through e-Post Office Portal 3) eMail id is not mandatory 4) It can be used only by Indian Citizens living abroad
Statements 1,2 and 3 are true
Statements 1 and 2 are true
Statements 2, 3 and 4 are true
All four statements are true

3. Where a request to provide information is being rejected, the Central Public Information Officer has to communicate Which of the following to the person making the request: (i) the reasons for such rejection, (ii) the period within which an appeal against such rejection may be preferred, (iii) the particulars of the appellate authority, (iv) the fee to be paid for appeal
(i),(ii) and (iii)
(i), (ii) and (iv)
(i), (iii) and (iv)
(ii), (iii) and (iv)

4. Rule 69 (1) (c) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 deals with payment of Gratuity to Government servants who have departmental or judicial proceeding pending against them. What is the amount of gratuity that can be paid to Government servants when a Rule 9 case is still pending?
Full gratuity can be paid
Provisional gratuity at 50% can be paid
Provisional gratuity at 25% can be paid
No gratuity can be paid

5. The limit of advance that can be drawn from GPF for purchase of consumer durables such as TV, Washing machine etc., is
3 months pay or half of the amount of credit whichever is less
6 months pay or half of the amount of credit whichever is less
12 months pay or half of the amount of credit whichever is less
12 months pay or three fourth of the amount at credit whichever is less

6. Where the information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person, the same shall be provided as per the RTI Act
Within 30 days
Within 48 hours
Within 7 days
Within 15 days

7. Choose the most appropriate answer from the below options regarding drawal of pay and allowances for the day of the Government servant’s death: –
Can be drawn for the day only if death happens after the close of working hours of the office on that day
Can be drawn for the day only if death happens after lunch break
Can be drawn for the day the hour at which death takes place has no effect on the claim
Can be drawn for the day provided the Government servant had at least marked his attendance in office

8. Which one of the following needs to be specified additionally when a Government servant is reduced as a measure of penalty to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time scale but will not apply when a Government servant is reduced to a lower stage in his time scale?
The period for which the reduction shall be effective
Whether, on restoration, the period of reduction shall operate to postpone future increments,
If the period of reduction shall operate to postpone future increments, to what extent
Whether the Government servant shall regain his original seniority in the higher service, grade or post or time scale on his restoration

9. What is the percentage of Service Books ordered to be inspected and initialed by the Head of the Office every year when entries in such documents are authorized to be attested by Accountants
Atleast 5%
Atleast 10%
Atleast 25%
Atleast 50%

10. In case where on account of premature death of a Government servant, it becomes necessary to recover a part of the outstanding balance of an interest bearing advance sanctioned to the Government servant and/ or interest on the amount of such advance by adjustment either against Death Gratuity or leave salary actually drawn after the date of death of the Government servant, which one of the below options is correct:
Interest, as applicable, should be charged till the actual date of adjustment of the amount against the death gratuity or leave salary
Only a token interest of 2% should be charged beyond the date of death till the date of adjustment
No interest should be charged on the amount of advance thus adjusted against the death gratuity/ leave salary, if any, beyond the date of death
50% interest should be charged on the amount of advance thus adjusted against the death gratuity/ leave salary, if any, beyond the date of death

11. What is the maximum, a Government servant, who is re-employed after retirement, may on termination of his re-employment be granted cash equivalent in respect of earned leave to his credit (including the number of days for which encashment has been allowed along with leave travel concession while in service and including the period for which encashment was allowed at the time of retirement.
300 days
300 days plus 15 days for Every additional six months re-employed
300 days plus 30 days irrespective of additional period of re-employment
300 days plus 60 days if re-employment is for two years

12. Casual Leave can be combined with
Earned leave with Medical certificate
Earned leave without Medical certificate
Extra ordinary leave
Cannot be combined with other leave

13. As per the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme, If a GDS resigned from service before normal exit, what is the percentage of accumulations the outgoing GDS would be required to invest to purchase a life annuity from any authorized life insurance company.

14. What is meant by “Force Majeure”?
An event beyond the control of the supplier and not involving the supplier’s fault or negligence and which is not foreseeable
Supplier uses all force at his disposal and delays the supply
Supplier cancels the contract forcefully
Government cancels the contract by Force

15. What is the minimum and maximum rate of honorarium payable for serving officials to function as Inquiry Officers(IO) in cases of departmental proceedings
Min 5,000 & Max 10,000
Min 5,000 & Max 7,000
Min 15,000 & Max 25,000
Min 15,000 & Max 75,000

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