Online Quiz on Fundamental Rules (FR) [Set 3]

Hi friends, here is the Online Quiz on Fundamental Rules (FR). In the previous two sets, we have discussed 30 questions from FR and SR. In this post, we will be discussing 20 Important Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) from Fundamental Rules (FR). FR and SR is a very Important topic for all Departmental Exams under Central Government. Those preparing for Inspector Posts Exam (IPO Exam) and Postal Service Group B Exam (PS Gr.B Exam) will find these questions very useful.

MCQ Questions on FR & SR Part -1
MCQ Questions on FR & SR Part -1
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MCQ Questions on FR & SR Part -1


Attempt Questions related to FR and SR Part 1 and Check Your Score!!

1 / 20

Which among the following will count for the purpose of increment as provided under FR-26? i. All leave except EOL w/o MC ii. Officiating period in higher post will count for increment in the lower post iii. Period of foreign service iv. Period of joining time

2 / 20

The Rule which deals withholding of the increment of a Government servant is

3 / 20

Which is the nodal department for pay fixation/re-fixation, protection of pay of Central Government Employees?

4 / 20

The Rule which regulates the increment of a Government servant in a time scale of pay is

5 / 20

Premature increment can be granted by competent authority under?

6 / 20

Consider the following statements and comment: Statement 1 - There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year Statement 2 - An employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date of his appointment

7 / 20

An employee named Manish Kumar got pay fixation on promotion as on 01.07.2021. Then the date of his next increment is?

8 / 20

The FR applicable to regulate counting of service and periods of leave for increments in a time scale of pay is

9 / 20

What is the date of next increment in respect of employee appointed on 13.05.2021?

10 / 20

The period of unauthorised absence during strike or in the case of an individua lemployee remaining absent unauthorizedly or deserting the post shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in service of the employee for the purpose of? i. LTC ii. quasi-permanency iii. eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations

11 / 20

As per FR 18, unless the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, no Government Servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding ___ years?

12 / 20

When the Government Servant is reduced to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time scale whether for a specific or unspecified period, the pay in the lower service, grade or post or lower time scale would be regulated in accordance with

13 / 20

What is the effect of period of unauthorised absence on the eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations?

14 / 20

The resignation treated as technical formality is for the Purpose of

15 / 20

As per which clause of Fundamental Rules, an officer who is absent from duty without any authority shall not be entitled to any pay and allowances during the period of such absence?

16 / 20

Option is not available to have the pay fixed from the date of promotion or from the date of accrual of next increment in respect of?

17 / 20

FR-22 deals with:

18 / 20

What is the date of next increment in respect of employee appointed or promoted or granted financial] up-gradation during the period between 02.01.2021 and 01.07.2021?

19 / 20

What is the purpose of "NEXT BELOW RULE" as provided under FR?

20 / 20

Who is the competent authority to grant premature increment to a Government Servant?

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Check Full MCQ Quiz on FR and SR Part 1

Online Quiz on Fundamental Rules (FR)

1. As per which clause of Fundamental Rules, an officer who is absent from duty without any authority shall not be entitled to any pay and allowances during the period of such absence?
FR 17
FR 44
FR 23
Correct answer
FR 17

2. The period of unauthorised absence during strike or in the case of an individua lemployee remaining absent unauthorizedly or deserting the post shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in service of the employee for the purpose of? i. LTC ii. quasi-permanency iii. eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations
Only i
only ii
only iii
All the above
Correct answer
All the above

3. What is the effect of period of unauthorised absence on the eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations?
The period will cause break in service for considering the requirement of minimum continuous service
The period will not have any effect
The official will be debarred permanently appearing in the examination
None of these
Correct answer
The period will cause break in service for considering the requirement of minimum continuous service

4. FR-22 deals with:
Regulation of pay
Lien in Service
Subscription to a provident fund
Correct answer
Regulation of pay

5. Option is not available to have the pay fixed from the date of promotion or from the date of accrual of next increment in respect of?
Regular Promotion
Adhoc Promotion
All the above
Correct answer
Adhoc Promotion

6. As per FR 18, unless the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, no Government Servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding _ years?
Correct answer

7. The resignation treated as technical formality is for the Purpose of
Counting past service for the purpose of increment
Counting Past service for the Purpose of pension
Counting Past service for the Purpose of seniority
Fixation of pay in the new post
Correct answer
Fixation of pay in the new post

8. Which is the nodal department for pay fixation/re-fixation, protection of pay of Central Government Employees?
Department of Posts
Department of Personnel and Training
Department of Pension and Public Grievances
Prime Minister’s Office
Correct answer
Department of Personnel and Training

9. What is the purpose of “NEXT BELOW RULE” as provided under FR?
Pay protection to employees resigned under technical formality
Assured financial upgradation to employees every 10 year of stagnation
to protect the interest of a Government servant who is working on deputation outside regular line of service or foreign service.
pay protection as per seniority in the gradation list
Correct answer
to protect the interest of a Government servant who is working on deputation outside regular line of service or foreign service.

10. The Rule which deals withholding of the increment of a Government servant is
Correct answer

11. The Rule which regulates the increment of a Government servant in a time scale of pay is
Correct answer

12. The FR applicable to regulate counting of service and periods of leave for increments in a time scale of pay is
Correct answer

13. Which among the following will count for the purpose of increment as provided under FR-26? i. All leave except EOL w/o MC ii. Officiating period in higher post will count for increment in the lower post iii. Period of foreign service iv. Period of joining time
Only ii, iii and iv
All the above
Only i, iii and iv
Only iv
Correct answer
All the above

14. Consider the following statements and comment: Statement 1 – There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year Statement 2 – An employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date of his appointment
Statement 1 is only true
Statement 2 is only true
Both Statements 1 and 2 are true
Both Statement 1 and 2 are wrong
Correct answer
Both Statements 1 and 2 are true

15. An employee named Manish Kumar got pay fixation on promotion as on 01.07.2021. Then the date of his next increment is?
1 January 2021
1 July 2021
1 January 2022
1 July 2022
Correct answer
1 January 2022

16. What is the date of next increment in respect of employee appointed or promoted or granted financial] up-gradation during the period between 02.01.2021 and 01.07.2021?
01.07.2021 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis
01.01.2022 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis
01.07.2022 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis
None of the above
Correct answer
01.01.2022 and thereafter it shall accrue after one year on annual basis

17. What is the date of next increment in respect of employee appointed on 13.05.2021?
None of the above
Correct answer

18. Premature increment can be granted by competent authority under?
Correct answer

19. Who is the competent authority to grant premature increment to a Government Servant?
Appointing Authority
Appellate Authority
Authority competent to create a post in the same cadre on the same scale of pay as that of the post held by the Government Servant
None of the above
Correct answer
Authority competent to create a post in the same cadre on the same scale of pay as that of the post held by the Government Servant

20. When the Government Servant is reduced to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time scale whether for a specific or unspecified period, the pay in the lower service, grade or post or lower time scale would be regulated in accordance with
Correct answer

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