Model Exam for Postal Departmental Exams (No.7)

Hi friends, in this post we share with you Model Exam for Postal Departmental Exams. Thus this Mock Test/Model Exam is designed for IP Exam, PS Group B Exam, AAO Exam. Further, the questions covered here will be useful for Postman/MTS/GDS/PA/SA Exams.

We will be regularly and daily updating the Model Exam series for Postal Exams. Hope that you are following our Model Exam series for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam.

Model Exam for Postal Exams
Model Exam for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam

Model Exam for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO – Pattern

In each Model Exam series there will be 20 Questions from across various topics included in syllabus of IP LDC Exam, Postal Service Group ‘B’ Exam and AAO Exam. Those who are preparing for these exams can use this as a way to polish their studies and assess their level of Knowledge.

Do share this with your friends and sharing is the best way to improve knowledge. After some model series we are planning to conduct Mock Exams in the model of real examination. So do bookmark us and visit daily for more study materials.

After attempting the questions, do share your score in the comments so that we that you can check your level of improvement. All the Best for Model Exam -7.

Model Exam for Postal Departmental Exams – No.7

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Model Exam for Postal Exams


Attempt Quiz and check your level of preparation!!

1 / 20

Under MNOP, Post Offices exchange mail with?

2 / 20

Approximately how many Post Offices have been declared as Plastic free in India

3 / 20

What kind of pension is paid to a Government servant who has retired on attaining the age of superannuation or otherwise and against whom any departmental or judicial proceedings are instituted at the time of retirement?

4 / 20

The Core Insurance Solution envisages the following (i) Facility of web portal and mobile portal (ii) Convenient premium payment options (iii) Customer care (iv) Anytime, anywhere policy procurement Which among the above are correct

5 / 20

Comment on the following statements regarding CEA(Children Education Allowance) i. CEA is admissible for two eldest surviving children ii. CEA can be claimed at double the rates for eligible Divyang children iii. CEA can be claimed for the same class twice when the child fails iv. CEA is admissible for a third child when the second birth resulted in multiple birth

6 / 20

The maximum amount that can be remitted through iMO in one transaction is

7 / 20

Intra Circle Hubs (ICH) can exchange mails with?

8 / 20

Which of the following statements regarding Sukanya Samridhi Yojana are correct? i. Minimum deposit is 1000/- and maximum is 1,50,000/- in a financial year ii. Minimum deposit is 250/- and maximum is 1,50000/- in a financial year iii. Subsequent deposits can be in multiples of Rs 100/- only iv. Deposit of Rs 1,50,000/- can be made in lumpsum in a financial year

9 / 20

In the word DARPAN, first two letters ‘D’ & ‘A’ stands for

10 / 20

As per CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 when President orders recovery of pecuniary loss from pension, the recovery shall not ordinarily be made at a rate exceeding ____ of the pension admissible on the date of retirement of a Government servant?

11 / 20

Departmental proceedings instituted while the Government servant was in service before his retirement shall, after the final retirement of the Government servant, be deemed to be proceedings under Rule 9 of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 and shall be continued and concluded by?

12 / 20

National Sorting Hubs(NSHs) exchange mail with?

13 / 20

Disciplinary Proceedings under Rule 9 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall not be in respect of any event which took place more than ____ before such institution?

14 / 20

Which among the following types of mail articles are included in MNOP?

15 / 20

The following are the criteria for non- medical policy (i) Age does not exceed 35 years (ii) For PLI, maximum sum assured is Rs.1 lakh under endowment assurance (iii) For RPLI, maximum sum assured is Rs.25000 under endowment assurance

16 / 20

TDS is deducted in case of SCSS if annual interest exceeds

17 / 20

The net accretion to Post Office Life Insurance Fund (POIF) and Rural Postal Life Insurance Fund (RPOIF)

18 / 20

Comment on the following: The departmental proceedings, if not instituted while the Government servant was in service, whether before his retirement

19 / 20

What is the time taken for discharge of Savings certificate, at other than the office of purchase as per Citizen Charter

20 / 20

What is the total number of Mandatory Scans for Offices Booking BNPL NTD category articles?

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The average score is 76%


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Mock Test No.7 – Sample Questions

1. National Sorting Hubs(NSHs) exchange mail with?

2. Comment on the following: The departmental proceedings, if not instituted while the Government servant was in service, whether before his retirement

3. Which among the following types of mail articles are included in MNOP?

4. Disciplinary Proceedings under Rule 9 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall not be in respect of any event which took place more than ____ before such institution?

5. Intra Circle Hubs (ICH) can exchange mails with?

6. As per CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 when President orders recovery of pecuniary loss from pension, the recovery shall not ordinarily be made at a rate exceeding ____ of the pension admissible on the date of retirement of a Government servant?

7. What is the time taken for discharge of Savings certificate, at other than the office of purchase as per Citizen Charter

8. In the word DARPAN, first two letters ‘D’ & ‘A’ stands for

9. Under MNOP, Post Offices exchange mail with?

10. Approximately how many Post Offices have been declared as Plastic free in India

Also, you can check our other MCQ Series from here

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