Model Exam for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam – Exam No.4

Hi friends, as per the request received from our visitors and followers, Post Affaire has decided to start a series on Model Exam for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam. This is the Exam No.4 of the series. We will be regularly updating Model Exam for Postal Exams. This series though intended for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam will equally be useful for other Departmental Exams in Central Government and Department of Posts.

Model Exam for Postal Exams
Model Exam for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam

In each Model Exam series there will be 20 Questions from across various topics included in syllabus of IP LDC Exam, Postal Service Group ‘B’ Exam and AAO Exam. Those who are preparing for these exams can use this as a way to polish their studies and assess their level of Knowledge. Do share this with your friends and sharing is the best way to improve knowledge. After some model series we are planning to conduct Mock Exams in the model of real examination. So do bookmark us and visit daily for more study materials.

After attempting the questions, do share your feedback in comments so that we can make required changes. All the Best for Model Exam -4.

Model Exam No. 4 for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam

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Model Exam for Postal Exams


Attempt Quiz and Check your level of preparation!!

1 / 20

The present postal system in India came into existence with the Indian Post Office Act of?

2 / 20

Under Consumer Protection Act a “Person” also includes

3 / 20

First Post Office in India was set up in the year 1727 at?

4 / 20

Which among the following has to be kept in mind while framing a charge sheet? (i) charges should be clear, specific and precise (ii) separate charge should be framed in respect of each separate offence (iii) charges should not be of a petty nature or unnecessarily numerous (iv) no expression of opinion as to the guilt of the accused official is contained in the wording of the charge

5 / 20

Who among the following can place a Government servant under suspension?

6 / 20

Punishment order should not contain?

7 / 20

Which among the following does not come under the purview of family of a Govt.Servant as defined under CCS(LTC) Rules,1988?

8 / 20

Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 shall apply to which category of employees (i) who are appointed to civil services and posts (ii) Railway Employees (iii) civilian Government servants in the Defence Services (iv) who are appointed on contract basis (v) who are re-employed after their retirement

9 / 20

What does DARPAN denote

10 / 20

What is the percentage share of Rural Post Offices in India as on 31.03.19?

11 / 20

What is the time limit and percentage of amount to be deposited, required to pay as compensation as per the orders of the state commission, for filing an appeal before the National commission?

12 / 20

Leave travel concessions shall be admissible on completion of ____ year’s continuous service under the Central Government?

13 / 20

Comment on the following: When a female Govt. servant proceeds to her hometown, availing of the Leave Travel Concession and gets married in the hometown.

14 / 20

Time factor for delivery of bulk addressee of a multi storeyed building is

15 / 20

Name the officer appointed by the disciplinary authority who would present on its behalf the case in support of the articles of charge?

16 / 20

What is the threshold limit of amount of compensation claimed and fee to be remitted for filing a complaint to National Commission under Consumer Protection Act?

17 / 20

Indian Post Office Act was first enacted in the year ___ to bring some uniformity amongst the then Post Offices?

18 / 20

In disciplinary proceedings under Rule 14 of the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965, original documents mentioned in the charge memo should be normally available with?

19 / 20

As per Annual Report 2019-20, on an average, ___ people are served by a Post Office in the country?

20 / 20

Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 is not applicable to

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The average score is 81%


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Some of the Questions included in this Mock Test

1. What is the percentage share of Rural Post Offices in India as on 31.03.19?

2. Indian Post Office Act was first enacted in the year ___ to bring some uniformity amongst the then Post Offices?

3. Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 is not applicable to

4. Name the officer appointed by the disciplinary authority who would present on its behalf the case in support of the articles of charge?

5. The present postal system in India came into existence with the Indian Post Office Act of?

6. Leave travel concessions shall be admissible on completion of ____ year’s continuous service under the Central Government?

7. Time factor for delivery of bulk addressee of a multi storeyed building is

8. Who among the following can place a Government servant under suspension?

9. In disciplinary proceedings under Rule 14 of the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965, original documents mentioned in the charge memo should be normally available with?

10. What is the time limit and percentage of amount to be deposited, required to pay as compensation as per the orders of the state commission, for filing an appeal before the National commission?

Attempt Quiz to check more questions and answers.

Also, you can check our other MCQ Series from here

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