Mock Test on India Post Annual Report 2020-21 for IPO Exam [Exam 50]

Hi friends, here is the Mock Test on India Post Annual Report 2020-21 for IPO Exam. India Post Annual Report 2020-21 is a very very Important topic for the Inspector Posts Exam 2021 scheduled to be held on 18th and 19th December 2021. In the last IPO Exam and PS Gr.B Exams around 15-20 questions have been asked from this topic. This itself shows how much Importance you have to give for this topic. We have been regularly posting MCQ on this topic. In this Mock Test you can revise all the questions so far posted by us. This Mock will surely help you.

India Post Annual Report 2020-21 MCQ Questions
India Post Annual Report 2020-21 MCQ Questions

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No.of Questions : 105 Questions

Time Limit: No time limit

[Exam Date: 3 December 2021 – 9.00 PM]

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India Post Annual Report 2020-21 MCQ Questions


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1 / 150

Speed Post articles can be insured up to?

2 / 150

Which among the following is not an activity undertaken by the Department during Vigilance Awareness Week?

3 / 150

Prevention of Money Laundering Act(PMLA), 2002 came into force w.e.f?

4 / 150

International Express Mail Service (EMS) is currently available in how many countries?

5 / 150

MIS Accounts can be closed prematurely after completion of ____ year from the date of opening of account?

6 / 150

The Department of Posts operates the Field Services (Postal) Benevolent Fund which has been introduced as a welfare measure exclusively for the benefit of staff working in?

7 / 150

What is the full form of CRC in mail processing?

8 / 150

Who is the present Secretary, Department of Posts?

9 / 150

PLI/RPLI Premium can now be paid online under which among the following methods?

10 / 150

Loan can be availed on PPF Account from third financial year to?

11 / 150

As a welfare policy initiative to meet the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic affecting the Gramin Dak Sewaks as front-line warriors, a one time maximum Financial Assistance of Rs.______ has been provisioned?

12 / 150

The customers of the Department of Posts have been offered with Mobile Banking facility since ?

13 / 150

Department has rolled out SAP based platform for complaints redressal- SAP Based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on?

14 / 150

Which among the following is an unregistered hybrid mail?

15 / 150

International Money Transfer in association with Western Union is operational from ____ post office locations?

16 / 150

National Savings Recurring Deposit Account can be opened by a single person or as a joint account (up to 3 adults) with a minimum deposit of?

17 / 150

Speed Post Article number contains how many digits?

18 / 150

Who is the administrator of Indian Post office Act 1898 and Indian Post Office Rules 1933 as well as of Postal Life Insurance?

19 / 150

Who is the present Minister of Communications?

20 / 150

The platform of Instagram has been put to use for redressing grievances of public on?

21 / 150

As of 31st December 2020, how many India Post Passenger Reservation System (IP-PRS) for railway reservation are functional across the country?

22 / 150

Social media Cell is an independent entity and deals with which among the following social media platforms of Department of Posts? i. Telegram ii. Linkedin iii. Facebook iv.Twitter v. Whatsapp

23 / 150

Legal Information Management & Briefing System (LIMBS) Portal used for monitoring Legal Cases has been developed by?

24 / 150

Which among the following constitutes the highest mail volume for Department of Posts during 2019-20?

25 / 150

Speed Post services was started in August 1986 for providing time bound and express delivery of letters and parcel weighing upto?

26 / 150

At which among the following city Postal Training Centres (PTCs) is not functioning?

27 / 150

Name the Cloud-based e-Learning System which has been developed to meet the online training requirements of the Department?

28 / 150

How many Nodal Delivery Centres have been set up by Department of Posts as of 31 December 2020?

29 / 150

Which among the following stamps are printed in large quantities and re-issued from time to time to be used for pre-payment of postage on mail articles?

30 / 150

The system of ‘Bulk Bag’ is available for dispatch/receipt of special bags of _______ to/from addressees/senders in foreign countries?

31 / 150

Approximately how many lakh customers have been enrolled under e-Banking facility of Department of Posts as on 31st December, 2020?

32 / 150

33 / 150

34 / 150

A philately scholarship scheme called Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana was introduced in 2017-18 to promote Philately among children at a young age. What is the full form of SPARSH?

35 / 150

How many Post Offices including BO's are entirely run by women across India as of 31.12.2020?

36 / 150

How many Post Offices are working on CBS Platform as on 31st December, 2020?

37 / 150

What is the Grant-in-aid admissible to Central Postal Ladies organization (CPLO) and its subordinate organization in the Circles for starting a crèche?

38 / 150

What is the full form of PMA, which is the mobile based delivery application?

39 / 150

40 / 150

What is the name of the in house software used for electronic clearance of letter boxes?

41 / 150

What is the full form of RTN?

42 / 150

Which among the following Grants of Scholarships are available under Department of Posts?

43 / 150

Who among the following has been appointed “Designated Director” for the Department of Posts under AML/CFT norms?

44 / 150

Under Central Postal Ladies organization (CPLO) recurring grant@ Rs.1500 per child p.m. subject to a maximum grant of Rs.______ per month for each crèche provided from the Circle Welfare Fund?

45 / 150

Rural System Integrator (RSI) have been rolled out in how many Branch Post Offices as on31st December,2020?

46 / 150

Department of Posts has established a dedicated 'Parcel Directorate' in which year?

47 / 150

What is iGOT Mission Karmayogi?

48 / 150

Apart from financial assistance, there is also facility of repayable loans at low interest within a specified ceiling for GDS for which among the following purposes?

49 / 150

What is the full form of CPGRAMS?

50 / 150

What is the Maturity period from the date of opening of Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA)?

51 / 150

Which among the following is not a type of Postal Life Insurance Policy?

52 / 150

Electronic Money Order (eMO) service was introduced by Department of Posts in the year?

53 / 150

Which among the following is also called “Cecogrammes”?

54 / 150

55 / 150

What is the full form of CSC in the context of e-Governance Service provided by Department of Posts?

56 / 150

Ramp & rails for differently abled persons and senior citizens are constructed in Post Offices under which scheme?

57 / 150

Which among the following is the vision of Department of Posts?

58 / 150

What is the minimum amount of insurance under RPLI?

59 / 150

RD Accounts can be closed prematurely after completion of ____ years from the date of opening of account?

60 / 150

Department of Posts was brought into the ambit of Prevention of Money Laundering Act(PMLA), 2002 through amendment in the year?

61 / 150

62 / 150

Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy(RAKNPA) which is the apex training institute of the Department recognized by the Department of Personnel and Training as a Central Training Institute for higher managerial cadres is situated at?

63 / 150

What is the maximum investment limit under National Savings Certificates(NSC) (VIIIthIssue)?

64 / 150

Commemorative Postage Stamp "Salute to COVID-19 Warriors" was issued by the Department of Posts on?

65 / 150

What is the maximum investment limit under Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)?

66 / 150

Which section of Indian Post Office Act, 1898 was amended by the Parliament through Financial Bill, 2017 whereby the powers to modify postal rates has been delegated to the Ministry of Communications?

67 / 150

Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Small Packets?

68 / 150

How many POPSKs have been made operational as of December 2020?

69 / 150

Automated Mail Processing Centres (AMPCs) has been established by the Department of Posts in which among the following cities? 1. Mumbai 2. Chennai 3. Delhi 4. Kolkata

70 / 150

Which among the following is/are a new provision introduced under PLI/RPLI recently?

71 / 150

Transaction based services of Postal Life Insurance for the customers have been integrated in India Post Call Centre (IPCC) on?

72 / 150

_____ is a category intended for transmission to different countries exclusively by air?

73 / 150

What is the maximum deposit in a financial year under Public Provident Fund Account (PPF)?

74 / 150

Mail Motor Service (MMS) came into existence in the year?

75 / 150

Atal Pension Yojana (APY) was launched by Department of Posts in all Head Post Offices from

76 / 150

RD account can be further extended for up to?

77 / 150

Financial assistance to employees for Recreational Activities are available for? i. Subsidy on transport charges for Excursion Trips ii. Expenditure on Holiday Homes iii. Grant-in-aid to the Recreation Clubs

78 / 150

Pilot project for Passport Seva Kendras commenced on 25thJanuary, 2017 at? 1. Thyagaraya Nagar Head Post Office, Chennai 2. Metagali Post Office Mysuru 3. Dahod Head Post Office, Gujarat

79 / 150

Which among the following services is not offered through India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)?

80 / 150

What is the percentage of Rural Post Offices in the country as on 31.03.2020?

81 / 150

Which category of employees were nominated as Swachhta Ambassadors to take the message from door to door on the importance of cleanliness, ban on use of plastic bags, making India open defecation free etc.?

82 / 150

The Department of Posts operates POSB Schemes on behalf of?

83 / 150

Which among the following is a type of Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI)?

84 / 150

"Business Post" service for customers having large volume of mail has been introduced in the year?

85 / 150

e-Banking facility of Department of Posts can be accessed through the URL?

86 / 150

All Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) schemes have been extended to Branch Post offices with effect from?

87 / 150

Post Office Savings Bank account can be opened by Single or Joint holders (two adults) with a minimum balance of?

88 / 150

The Department has supplied computers, hardware and peripherals to Mail Offices and smart phones to Postmen staff under?

89 / 150

How many individual PPF Account can be opened either in post office or bank?

90 / 150

TD Accounts can be closed prematurely after completion of ____ from the date of opening of account?

91 / 150

Twitter Seva for Department of Posts was initiated on?

92 / 150

Kisan Vikas Patra can be purchased by a single person or by Joint (up to 3 adults) holders with a minimum of?

93 / 150

Who is the Chairman of Philatelic Advisory Committee (PAC) under Department of Posts?

94 / 150

The Department of Posts has introduced the Circle Welfare Fund Scheme for Gramin Dak Sewaks from?

95 / 150

Interest earned up to Rs._____ in a FY is exempted from income tax under POSB?

96 / 150

Loan facility is available after _____ year of account opening under RD?

97 / 150

Which among the following services is not available for account holders of Post Office Savings Bank Account?

98 / 150

Pilot project for Passport Seva Kendras commenced on?

99 / 150

Welfare Fund under Postal Services Staff Welfare Board covers? i. departmental employees ii. Gramin Dak Sewaks

100 / 150

The Department of Posts has provided Internet Banking facility to its customers w.e.f?

101 / 150

Jeevan Pramaan service has been introduced by the Department of Posts w.e.f?

102 / 150

Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) was introduced in the year?

103 / 150

Department of Posts is governed by?

104 / 150

For business requirements like collection of bills and other payments from customers across the country, one can use which among the following services?

105 / 150

106 / 150

International Tracked Packet Service is the most economical service up to _____ kg of weight limit with tracking of shipments to the countries of Asia Pacific region?

107 / 150

Electronic Clearing of letter boxes using 'Nanyatha' software has been implemented in how many letter boxes as of December 2020?

108 / 150

109 / 150

For advertising in postal stationary and display of posters in postal premises, which among the following service can be used?

110 / 150

Collection of electricity bills, telephone bills, taxes and fees etc. are covered under?

111 / 150

Philatelic Advisory Committee (PAC) comprises of ?

112 / 150

How many Post Offices have been onboarded as Post Office Common Service Centres (POCSC) as on 12th December, 2020?

113 / 150

For which among the following countries International Speed Post Service is available as on 31.12.2020 for documents only? i. Iraq ii. Nigeria iii. Yemen iv. Rwanda v. Guyana

114 / 150

Jeevan Pramaan centres are available in how many Head Post Offices across the country as of March 2021?

115 / 150

What is the full form of SPARROW?

116 / 150

International “Printed Paper” service corresponds to which service in the inland post, with some variations in the conditions?

117 / 150

“Letter Post” (also referred to as “correspondence”) applies to which among the following classes of international postal articles? i. Letters ii. Post Cards iii. Printed Papers (including Books and Registered News Papers) iv. Small Packets and Literature for the Blind’

118 / 150

Who among the following is the Chairperson of Postal Services Staff Welfare Board?

119 / 150

As of December 2020, 190 Parcel Hubs (PHs) are functioning in the country. Of which how many are L1 and L2?

120 / 150

Partial withdrawal is permissible from the ____financial year from the date of opening of PPF account?

121 / 150

What is the average area served by a Post Office in the country?

122 / 150

Which among the following with regard to Business Post is true. 1. Business Post is not a service by itself 2. It is a value addition to services like Speed Post, Registered Post and unregistered mail

123 / 150

Army Postal Services (APS) is designated as another Circle called?

124 / 150

Which among the following countries are not covered under International Speed Post Service as on 31.12.2020? i. Seychelles ii. Uzbekistan iii. Zambia iv. Kenya

125 / 150

The earnings of the Department are in the form of? i. Recoveries ii. Revenue Receipts

126 / 150

Of the 25,409 Departmental Post Offices in 23 Postal Circles, how many Post offices are functioning in departmental buildings as of December 2020?

127 / 150

Which among the following countries are covered under International Speed Post Service as on 31.12.2020? i. Brazil ii. New Zealand iii. Uganda iv. Singapore v. Pakistan

128 / 150

Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) facilities are available since the year?

129 / 150

What is the toll free number of India Post Call Centre (IPCC)?

130 / 150

Which among the following is wrong about Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA)?

131 / 150

Which among the following services can be utilized by business organisations for direct advertising of products and services?

132 / 150

Postal Life Insurance (PLI) was introduced in the year?

133 / 150

As of December 2020, how many Aadhaar Enrolment cum Updation Centres are functioning in Post Offices across the country with an aim to provide Aadhaar services in vicinity of the residents?

134 / 150

Which among the following committee advises the Department of Posts on the annual programme for issue of commemorative stamps?

135 / 150

Who is the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of the Department of Posts?

136 / 150

137 / 150

Post Office ATMs have become interoperable with other bank’s ATM w.e.f?

138 / 150

139 / 150

Dynamic Queue Management System(DQMS) has been installed in total how many post offices in the country as of 31 December 2020?

140 / 150

Which among the following is/are correct with regard to International “Printed Paper” Service?

141 / 150

Which is the only Postal Circle that does not have a single Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Kendra or Franchisee Outlet of Department of Posts as of December 2020?

142 / 150

First Aadhaar Enrolment cum Updation Centre was opened by Department of Posts at which city on 30th June, 2017?

143 / 150

Who among the following is the Principal Compliance Officer of the Department of Posts under AML/CFT norms?

144 / 150

Jeevan Pramaan is a biometric enabled digital service for?

145 / 150

India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) was set up by Government of India as a Public Limited Company with ______% Government of India equity under the Department of Posts on 17th August,2016?

146 / 150

The first ATM of the Department of Posts was inaugurated at Chennai on?

147 / 150

In case of Direct Recruitment _____ percent of total number of vacancies in the Cadre strength in each group of posts i.e. Group A, B &C shall be reserved for persons with bench mark disabilities?

148 / 150

What is the number of departmental post offices in the country as of 31 March 2020?

149 / 150

Which among the following policy has the highest bonus rate per thousand rupees sum assured as of 31 March 2020?

150 / 150

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Mock Test on India Post Annual Report 2020-21 for IPO Exam

1. RD account can be further extended for up to?
2 years
3 years
5 years
10 years

2. Department of Posts has established a dedicated ‘Parcel Directorate’ in which year?

3. What is the maximum investment limit under National Savings Certificates(NSC) (VIIIthIssue)?
Rs.1 Lakh
Rs.10 Lakh
Rs.1.5 Lakh
No maximum investment limit

4. Interest earned up to Rs._ in a FY is exempted from income tax under POSB?

5. What is the number of departmental post offices in the country as of 31 March 2020?

6. What is the full form of RTN?
Rail Transport Network
Road and Train Network
Real Time Notice
Road Transport Network

7. Commemorative Postage Stamp “Salute to COVID-19 Warriors” was issued by the Department of Posts on?
24 December 2020
23 October 2020
2 October 2020
8 March 2021

8. International Money Transfer in association with Western Union is operational from __ post office locations?

9. For which among the following countries International Speed Post Service is available as on 31.12.2020 for documents only? i. Iraq ii. Nigeria iii. Yemen iv. Rwanda v. Guyana
All the above
i, ii and iii only
iv and v only
ii, iii and iv only

10. Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) was introduced in the year?

11. National Savings Recurring Deposit Account can be opened by a single person or as a joint account (up to 3 adults) with a minimum deposit of?

12. Jeevan Pramaan service has been introduced by the Department of Posts w.e.f?
30 June 2015
1 December 2019
13 September 2020
22 March 2011

13. Which among the following is the vision of Department of Posts?
India Post’s Products and services will be the customer’s first choice
Dak Seva Jan Seva
Delivering your smiles across the country
Where you think we are there

14. Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Small Packets?
Small packets service enables transmission of small quantities of goods through letter post
Gifts, items of saleable value and samples of merchandise can be transmitted by small packets service
Small packets should not bear any inscriptions or contain documents in the nature of current and personal correspondence or any document exchanged between persons other than the sender and the addressee.
All the above are correct

15. Pilot project for Passport Seva Kendras commenced on?
16th August, 2018
25th January, 2017
1st January, 2018
24th March, 2015

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