Mock Test No.9 for Postal Departmental Exams

Hi friends, in this post we share with you Mock Test No.9 for Postal Departmental Exams. We have been regularly posting the Mock Test series to help you in your preparations. Even though, this Mock Test /Model Exam is designed for Inspector Posts, PS Group B Exam, AAO Exam, it will be equally useful for Postman/MTS/GDS/PA/SA Exams.

Hope that you are following our Model Exam series for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam.

Model Exam for Postal Exams
Model Exam for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO Exam

Mock Test No.9 for Postal Exams: Pattern and Topics

Our Model Exam series consists of 20 Questions from across various topics included in syllabus of Inspector Posts Exam, Postal Service Group ‘B’ Exam and AAO Exam. In this Mock Test the questions from Sexual Harassment Act, 2013 and PO Guide Part-1 are included. Further, this mock test also include 5 each previous questions from Inspector Posts Exam held in the year 2019 and Postal Service Group B Exam held in the year 2020.

Hence, those who are working in Department of Posts and preparing for Departmental exams can use this as a way to polish their studies and assess their level of Knowledge.

Do share this with your friends and sharing is the best way to improve knowledge. By the time exams are notified, we will be publishing Mock Test with timer in the model of real examination. So do bookmark us and visit daily for more study materials.

Mock Test No.9 for Postal Departmental Exams

Model Exam for Postal Exams


Attempt Quiz and Check your level of Studies!!!

1 / 20

Presiding Officer and every Member of the Internal Committee shall hold office for a period not exceeding?

2 / 20

Payment of postage is normally to be effected by means of?

3 / 20

The booking of Service Morey Order needs authorization of?

4 / 20

At least ____ of the total Members of Internal Committee shall be women?

5 / 20

Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award for the year 2020 was given to

6 / 20

What is the minimum amount for which an IMO can be booked?

7 / 20

Who is the authority competent to extend the working hours of any post office and keep them open on Sundays also?

8 / 20

Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2019 was awarded to

9 / 20

Which of the following is not true of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Account

10 / 20

The eMO system has provision for

11 / 20

A valid licence for franking machine is issued by?

12 / 20

How many members from amongst non-governmental organisations committed to the cause of women is part of Internal Committee?

13 / 20

A stamping machine intended to stamp impressions of dies of approved design on private and official postal articles in payment of postage and postal fees is called?

14 / 20

Chandrayan-2 lunar mission was launched by

15 / 20

Value-payable articles and money orders will not be booked to the address of?

16 / 20

Who among the following shall be the Presiding Officer of the Internal Committee?

17 / 20

Not less than ___ Members from amongst employees preferably committed to the cause of women or who have had experience in social work or have legal knowledge is to be part of Internal Committee?

18 / 20

Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2021 for his mediation between

19 / 20

Rajiv Kumar, former finance secretary has been appointed as

20 / 20

Which of the following is true of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

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The average score is 69%


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Sample Questions from this Mock Test

1. Prohibition of publication or making known contents of complaint and inquiry proceedings?

2. Who is the authority competent to extend the working hours of any post office and keep them open on Sundays also?

3. Which of the following is true of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

4. The eMO system has provision for

5. What is the minimum amount for which an IMO can be booked?

6. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award for the year 2020 was given to

7. At least ____ of the total Members of Internal Committee shall be women?

8. A valid licence for franking machine is issued by?

9. Value-payable articles and money orders will not be booked to the address of?

10. Which of the following is not true of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Account

Also, you can check our other MCQ Series from here

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