MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII [Set 1]

Hi friends, here is the MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII. Postal Manual Volume 8 contains the duties and responsibilities of various officers in the Department. As such, it is a very Important topic for all LDC Exams under Postal Department. Reading Postal Manual Volume VIII is very boring. In order to make your study interesting we bring you this MCQ on Postal Manual Volume 8.

MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII
MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII

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MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII

Postal Manual Volume VIII MCQ Quiz No.1

Attempt MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII and Check Your Score!!

1 / 15

Who among the following is authorized to change the name of a division?

2 / 15

What is the period of preservation of Appeals?

3 / 15

The balances of Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai G.P.Os and of Delhi H.O should be verified ____ times a year?

4 / 15

5 / 15

Head of a Circle or the Director Postal Services should carry out the first inspection of the Stock Depot in the half-year ending?

6 / 15

The Head of a Circle will inspect his own office at an interval of _____ and submit the Inspection Report to the _____?

7 / 15

Who among the following should fix the extent and the headquarters of each Inspector’s sub-division?

8 / 15

As per Postal Manual Volume VIII, following registers and records should be maintained in the office of the Head of a Circle. i. Register of highway robberies ii. Register of allotments for minor works iii. Register of losses and frauds iv. Register of registered newspapers

9 / 15

Personal Duties of the Head of a Circle is mentioned in which Chapter of Postal Manual Volume VIII?

10 / 15

The second inspection of the Stock Depot for the half-year ending 31st March should be carried out by the?

11 / 15

Who is the authority concerned to fix the extent and the headquarters of each Superintendent’s division?

12 / 15

Which among the following is not a Category of Complaints in Registers of Complaints as mentioned in Postal Manual Volume VIII? i. Due to service fault ii. Due to reasons beyond the control of the Deptt iii. Vexatious Complaint iv. Due to human delinquency v. Groundless

13 / 15

Punishment registers is to be submitted by subordinate offices to Head of the Circle in which form?

14 / 15

15 / 15

As per Postal Manual Volume VIII, who should personally dispose of all copies of order book remarks submitted to him in respect of inspections and verifications of accounts?

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MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume VIII

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1. Head of a Circle or the Director Postal Services should carry out the first inspection of the Stock Depot in the half-year ending?
(A)31st March
(B)30th September
(C)31st July
(D)31st December
Correct answer
(B)30th September

2. The second inspection of the Stock Depot for the half-year ending 31st March should be carried out by the?
(A)Assistant Postmaster General incharge of the Stock Depot
(B)Assistant Director incharge of the Stock Depot
(C)Either A or B
(D)Head of a Circle or the Director Postal Services
Correct answer
(C)Either A or B

3. The Head of a Circle will inspect his own office at an interval of ____ and submit the Inspection Report to the ____?
(A)Once in five years and Secretary Posts respectively
(B)Once in a year and Director General, Posts respectively
(C)Once in two years and Member (Personnel) respectively
(D)Once in a year and keep the report with himself
Correct answer
(B)Once in a year and Director General, Posts respectively

4. Personal Duties of the Head of a Circle is mentioned in which Chapter of Postal Manual Volume VIII?
(A)Chapter 4
(B)Chapter 3
(C)Chapter 2
(D)Chapter 1
Correct answer
(D)Chapter 1

5. As per Postal Manual Volume VIII, who should personally dispose of all copies of order book remarks submitted to him in respect of inspections and verifications of accounts?
(A)Assistant Postmaster General
(B)Director Postal Services
(C)Postmaster General
(D)Head of the Circle
Correct answer
(D)Head of the Circle

6. Punishment registers is to be submitted by subordinate offices to Head of the Circle in which form?
(A)APP 32(a)
Correct answer
(A)APP 32(a)

7. Heads of the Circle or Director Postal Services must inspect the returned Letter Office in their circle at an interval of?
(A)Once in a year
(B)Once in two years
(C)Once in three years
(D)Once in five years
Correct answer
(A)Once in a year

8. The balances of Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai G.P.Os and of Delhi H.O should be verified __ times a year?
Correct answer

9. As per Postal Manual Volume VIII, following registers and records should be maintained in the office of the Head of a Circle. i. Register of highway robberies ii. Register of allotments for minor works iii. Register of losses and frauds iv. Register of registered newspapers
(A)Only ii and iii
(B)Only i and iv
(C)Only i, ii and iii
(D)All the above
Correct answer
(D)All the above

10. Which among the following is not a Category of Complaints in Registers of Complaints as mentioned in Postal Manual Volume VIII? i. Due to service fault ii. Due to reasons beyond the control of the Deptt iii. Vexatious Complaint iv. Due to human delinquency v. Groundless
(A)i only
(B)iii only
(C)iii and v only
(D)ii, iii and v only
Correct answer
(B)iii only

11. Statement of complaints is prepared in which form?
(D)APP 38(A)
Correct answer

12. What is the period of preservation of Appeals?
(A)Three years after the month in which the cases are closed
(B)Five years after the month in which the cases are closed
(C)Ten years after the month in which the cases are closed
(D)Permanent Record
Correct answer
(A)Three years after the month in which the cases are closed

13. Who is the authority concerned to fix the extent and the headquarters of each Superintendent’s division?
(A)Director General Posts
(B)Head of the Circle
(C)Superintendent himself
(D)Director Postal Services concerned
Correct answer
(B)Head of the Circle

14. Who among the following is authorized to change the name of a division?
(A)Director General Posts
(B)Head of the Circle
(C)Superintendent himself
(D)Director Postal Services concerned
Correct answer
(B)Head of the Circle

15. Who among the following should fix the extent and the headquarters of each Inspector’s sub-division?
(A)Concerned Superintendent
(B)Concerned DPS
(C)Head of a Circle
(D)Director General Posts
Correct answer
(C)Head of a Circle

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