MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume V : Set 1

Hi friends, here we share with you MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume V : Set 1. Postal Manual Volume 5 is a very important topic for postal Departmental Exams. The said exams include Inspector Posts Exam (IP Exam) and Postal Service Group B Exam (PS Gr.B Exam). Besides, these questions will be useful for GDS/MTS to Postman Exam, GDS/MTS/Postman to PA Exam and GDS to MTS Exams.

Postal Manual Volume V Questions

What is Postal Manual Volume V?

Postal Manual Volume V is the book which governs Post office and RAILWAY Mail Service General Regulations. It further contains Definitions, Miscellaneous Rules, Investigations and Transmission of mails under the weighment system. Further, it also discuss Rules relating to treatment of Naval Mails by Post and RMS Offices. Issue of Due Mail and Sorting Lists and Conventions and Period of Preservation of Records are also part of Postal Manual Volume 5.

MCQ Quiz on Postal Manual Volume V

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Postal Manual Volume V MCQ Questions

Postal Manual Volume V: Quiz No.1

Study Postal Manual Volume V, Attempt Quiz and Check Your Score!!

1 / 10

An office charged with the duty of opening the sorting mail bags received by its and disposing of their contents is termed as?

2 / 10

A branch of RMS where closed bags are received and dispatched but sorting of letters is not done is called?

3 / 10

The bags which are sorted at transit office and thus forwarded onwards unopened are termed as?

4 / 10

What is the full form of RMS in Department of Posts?

5 / 10

Name the office established at the Headquarters of a Postal Circle and deals with unclaimed and refused articles and articles without addresses or with undecipherable or incomplete addresses?

6 / 10

Any Post Office which is situated on a line of through mail communication, and receives and sorts bags intended for offices in advance, without opening them, is called?

7 / 10

First class Head Office situated at the Headquarters of the Head of a Circle is called?

8 / 10

A Post Office or Sorting Office or Section which exchanges mails with offices in foreign countries is known as?

9 / 10

Railway Mail Service means the service responsible for the carriage of mails by? (i) rail (ii) road (iii) river (iv) air

10 / 10

Which among the following is the use of a Sorting Office?

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The average score is 85%


Important Questions on Postal Manual Volume V

1. Railway Mail Service means the service responsible for the carriage of mails by? (i) rail (ii) road (iii) river (iv) air

2. What is the full form of RMS in Department of Posts?

3. First class Head Office situated at the Headquarters of the Head of a Circle is called?

4. Any Post Office which is situated on a line of through mail communication, and receives and sorts bags intended for offices in advance, without opening them, is called?

5. The bags which are sorted at transit office and thus forwarded onwards unopened are termed as?

6. A branch of RMS where closed bags are received and dispatched but sorting of letters is not done is called?

7. An office charged with the duty of opening the sorting mail bags received by its and disposing of their contents is termed as?

8. Which among the following is the use of a Sorting Office?

9. Name the office established at the Headquarters of a Postal Circle and deals with unclaimed and refused articles and articles without addresses or with undecipherable or incomplete addresses?

10. A Post Office or Sorting Office or Section which exchanges mails with offices in foreign countries is known as?

Useful MCQ Questions for Postal Exams

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