MCQ Quiz on FR & SR Part 1 [Set 1]

Hi friends, here is the MCQ Quiz on FR & SR Part 1. FR and SR – Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules governs the definition of various clauses in other Rules applicable to the Central Government Employees. This includes Pay, Combination of appointments, deputation, foreign service, disciplinary rules, retirement, joining time etc. We have tried to bring this Multiple Choice Questions to ease your preparation for various LDC Exams under the Central Government.

MCQ Questions on FR & SR Part -1
MCQ Questions on FR & SR Part -1

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MCQ Questions on FR & SR Part -1

MCQ on FR and SR Part 1 Quiz No.1

Attempt Questions related to FR and SR Part 1 and Check Your Score!!

1 / 15

As per FR-7 no powers may be exercised or delegated under these rules except after consultation with the?

2 / 15

Which of the following services of Government servant fall within the purview of foreign service?

3 / 15

Compensatory Allowance means an allowance granted to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed. Does the meaning of Compensatory Allowance including a travelling allowance?

4 / 15

Compensatory Allowance means?

5 / 15

Act as defined under the Fundamental Rules means?

6 / 15

Foreign Service means service in which a Government servant receives his pay with the sanction of Government from?

7 / 15

Which among the following allowance cannot be treated as a Compensatory Allowance?

8 / 15

As per FR-8, the power of interpreting Fundamental Rules is reserved to?

9 / 15

The period spent by an officer on training immediately before such appointment would count as duty as qualifying service for the purpose of eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, even if the officer is not given the scale of pay of the post but only a nominal allowance

10 / 15

Fundamental Rules is applicable to?

11 / 15

As per FR-7, Administrative Ministries can redelegate powers to the subordinate authorities in respect of all matters except?

12 / 15

A Government servant required to attend an obligatory departmental examination, the passing of which is a condition of preferment in Government service, may be treated as on duty. Condition of preferment in Government service covers only compulsory or optional examinations for promotion within the normal scope of the Government servant's department or office.

13 / 15

Government servant may be treated as on duty on which among the following cases?

14 / 15

Fee means a recurring or non-recurring payment to a Government servant from a source other than the Consolidated Fund of India/State/Union Territory. It does not include?

15 / 15

Fundamental Rules came into force with effect from?

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MCQ Quiz on FR & SR Part 1

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1. Compensatory Allowance means?
(A)An allowance sanctioned to meet the expenses of cost of incidentals while on LTC, to a GS
(B)An allowance sanctioned to GS who is placed under Suspension vide Rule 10 of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965
(C)A monthly grant made to a GS who is not in receipt of pay or leave Salary
(D)Allowance granted to a GS to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed.
Ans: (D)Allowance granted to a GS to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed.

2. Foreign Service means service in which a Government servant receives his pay with the sanction of Government from?
(A)Consolidated Fund of India
(B)Consolidated Fund of a State
(C)Consolidated Fund of a Union territory
(D)Any source other than the above
Ans: (D)Any source other than the above

3. The period spent by an officer on training immediately before such appointment would count as duty as qualifying service for the purpose of eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, even if the officer is not given the scale of pay of the post but only a nominal allowance
(C)Correct. Provided the competent authority issue a written order so
(D)There is no such provision
Ans: (A)Correct

4. Fundamental Rules came into force with effect from?
(A)1 January 1922
(B)1 April 1960
(C)1 June 1972
(D)8 December 1944
Ans: (A)1 January 1922

5. Which of the following services of Government servant fall within the purview of foreign service?
(A)A Central Government Servant joins on ONGC on deputation for two years
(B)A Central Government servant joins a post in Universal Postal Union at Berne, Switzerland
(C)Both A and B
(D)None of these
Ans: (C)Both A and B

6. Fundamental Rules is applicable to?
(A)Government Servants whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates
(B)Any other class of Government Servants to which the President may, by general or special order, declare them to be applicable
(C)Defence Accounts Department Personnel
(D)All the above
Ans: (D)All the above

7. As per FR-7 no powers may be exercised or delegated under these rules except after consultation with the?
(A)Ministry of Home Affairs
(B)Department of Personnel & Training
(C)Ministry of Finance
(D)All the above
Ans: (C)Ministry of Finance

8. As per FR-8, the power of interpreting Fundamental Rules is reserved to?
(B)Ministry of Finance
(C)President of India
(D)Comptroller and Auditor General
Ans: (C)President of India

9. Compensatory Allowance means an allowance granted to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed. Does the meaning of Compensatory Allowance including a travelling allowance?
(A)All allowances paid to a Government servant fall within the meaning of Compensatory Allowance
(D)None of the above
Ans: (C)Yes

10. Fee means a recurring or non-recurring payment to a Government servant from a source other than the Consolidated Fund of India/State/Union Territory. It does not include?
(A)unearned income such as income from property, dividends, and interests on securities
(B)income from literary, cultural, artistic, scientific or technological efforts
(C)income from participation in sports activities as amateur
(D)All the above
Ans: (D)All the above

11. As per FR-7, Administrative Ministries can redelegate powers to the subordinate authorities in respect of all matters except?
(A)Creation of Posts
(B)Write-off of losses
(C)Re-appropriation exceeding 10% of the original budget provision
(D)All the above
Ans: (D)All the above

12. Act as defined under the Fundamental Rules means?
(A)Government of India Act
(B)Indian Independence Act, 1947
(C)The Regulating Act, 1773
(D)Representation of the People Act
Ans: (A)Government of India Act

13. Government servant may be treated as on duty on which among the following cases?
(A)service as probationer or apprentice provided that such service is followed by confirmation
(B)joining time
(C)during a course of instruction or training in India
(D)All the above
Ans: (D)All the above

14. A Government servant required to attend an obligatory departmental examination, the passing of which is a condition of preferment in Government service, may be treated as on duty. Condition of preferment in Government service covers only compulsory or optional examinations for promotion within the normal scope of the Government servant’s department or office.
(C)Cannot be determined
Ans: (A)True

15. Which among the following allowance cannot be treated as a Compensatory Allowance?
(A)Special Compensatory Allowance
(B)Bad Climate Allowance
(C)Project Allowance
(D)Sumptuary Allowance
Ans: (D)Sumptuary Allowance

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