MCQ Quiz on FHB Volume I [Set 1]

Hi friends, here is the MCQ Quiz on FHB Volume I. Financial Handbook Volume I and Volume II are equivalent to General Financial Rules with modifications applicable to the Department of Posts. This is a very important topic for all departmental examinations under the Department of Posts. This MCQ Questions will be useful for Inspector Posts Exam (IP Exam) and Postal Services Group B Exam (PS Gr.B Exam).

MCQ Quiz on Financial Hand Book Volume I
MCQ Quiz on Financial Hand Book Volume I

Attempt these very Important MCQ for P&T Financial Handbook Volume I and share your feedback. Those preparing for GDS/MTS to Postman Exam, GDS/MTS/Postman to PA Exam and GDS to MTS Exam find these questions useful.

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MCQ Quiz on Financial Hand Book Volume I

FHB Volume I MCQ Quiz No.1

Attempt Questions related to Financial Hand Book Volume I and check your score!!

1 / 15

Where money is received on behalf of the Government, the head of an office must give the prayer a receipt signed in duplicate in?

2 / 15

Government as defined under Financial Handbook Volume I means

3 / 15

The receipts in form ACG-67 should be prepared in how many copies?

4 / 15

Under which article of the constitution all moneys received by or deposited with any officer, employed in connection with any affairs of the Union in his capacity shall be paid into the Public Account?

5 / 15

In case of post offices, only the surplus collections:

6 / 15

The used ACG-67 receipt books shall be kept in the personal custody of Head of the office for a period of ____ years from the date of the last receipt issued from the book?

7 / 15

The receipts in form ACG-67. with duplicates will be issued in books of _____ forms which will be serially machine numbered?

8 / 15

In the case of Post Offices, cash receipts may be used by ______, under departmental regulations, for departmental purposes, only the surplus collections being remitted to the treasury?

9 / 15

All moneys received by or deposited with any officer, other than which among the following shall be paid into the Public Account?

10 / 15

As per FHB Volume I, Audit officer means?

11 / 15

As defined under Rule 2(h) of FHB Volume I, Head of a Department in Department of Posts include

12 / 15

In the Head Post Office a register in which form is maintained for recording the number of ACG-67 receipt books?

13 / 15

Posts and Telegraphs Department was bifurcated into two Departments in the year?

14 / 15

Which among the following is the account maintained of moneys which have passed into the custody of Government?

15 / 15

Can Post offices use their cash receipts for making Departmental payments?

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MCQ Quiz on FHB Volume I

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Check Full MCQ Questions on FHB Volume 1

1. As per FHB Volume I, Audit officer means?
(A)An officer who is in independent charge of one of the P&T Audit
(B)Director of Accounts (Postal) concerned
(C)Deputy Director General (PAF), Postal Directorate
(D)Drawing and Disbursing officer concerned
Ans: (A)An officer who is in independent charge of one of the P&T Audit

2. Posts and Telegraphs Department was bifurcated into two Departments in the year?
Ans: (C)1985

3. Under which article of the constitution all moneys received by or deposited with any officer, employed in connection with any affairs of the Union in his capacity shall be paid into the Public Account?
(A)Article 284
(B)Article 144
(C)Article 269(A)
(D)Article 311
Ans: (A)Article 284

4. Government as defined under Financial Handbook Volume I means
(A)Central Government
(B)State Government
(C)Both A and B
(D)None of these
Ans: (A)Central Government

5. The receipts in form ACG-67. with duplicates will be issued in books of _ forms which will be serially machine numbered?
Ans: (D)100

6. The used ACG-67 receipt books shall be kept in the personal custody of Head of the office for a period of __ years from the date of the last receipt issued from the book?
(A)two years
(B)three years
(C)five years
(D)ten years
Ans: (C)five years

7. As defined under Rule 2(h) of FHB Volume I, Head of a Department in Department of Posts include
(A)Director General Postal Services
(B)Chief Postmaster General
(C)Postmaster General
(D)All the above
Ans: (D)All the above

8. The receipts in form ACG-67 should be prepared in how many copies?
(A)Only one
(D)None of the above
Ans: (B)Duplicate

9. In the case of Post Offices, cash receipts may be used by __, under departmental regulations, for departmental purposes, only the surplus collections being remitted to the treasury?
(A)Head of the Division
(B)Sub Divisional Head
(D)All the above
Ans: (C)Postmasters

10. All moneys received by or deposited with any officer, other than which among the following shall be paid into the Public Account?
(B)public money raised or received by Government
(C)Both A and B
(D)None of the above
Ans: (C)Both A and B

11. Which among the following is the account maintained of moneys which have passed into the custody of Government?
(A)Government Account
(B)Bank Account
(C)Public Account
(D)Private Account
Ans: (C)Public Account

12. Where money is received on behalf of the Government, the head of an office must give the prayer a receipt signed in duplicate in?
(B)App – 71
(C)ACG – 67
(D)ACG – 17
Ans: (C)ACG – 67

13. In the Head Post Office a register in which form is maintained for recording the number of ACG-67 receipt books?
(B)ACG – 53
(C)ACG -22
(D)ACG – 55
Ans: (B)ACG – 53

14. In case of post offices, only the surplus collections:
(A)To be retained in the office by the Postmaster
(B)To be remitted to treasury
(C)May be utilized for personal purposes
(D)None of these
Ans: (B)To be remitted to treasury

15. Can Post offices use their cash receipts for making Departmental payments?
(A)They can
(B)They cannot
(C)They can, provided such payments fall under salaries and wages
(D)None of the above
Ans: (A)They can

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