MCQ Quiz on Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) Act 1985 [Set 1]

Hi friends, here is the MCQ Quiz on Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) Act 1985. Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 was formulated by the Union Government on the basis of Article 323-A of Constitution. The matters governing the Central Administrative Tribunal are governed by this Act. MCQ Questions have been prepared which will be useful for various legal exams, Inspector Posts Exam (IP Exam), Postal Service Group B Exam (PS Gr.B Exam).

Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 MCQ Quiz
Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 MCQ Quiz

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Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 MCQ Quiz

Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 Quiz No.1

Attempt the MCQ Questions related to Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 and Check Your Score!!

1 / 15

A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairman of the Central Administrative Tribunal unless he is, or has been?

2 / 15

Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 came into force on?

3 / 15

The Chairman and every other Member of the Central Administrative Tribunal shall be appointed by the President after consultation with?

4 / 15

Administrative Tribunals Act 1985 is act no. _____ of 1985?

5 / 15

A person shall not be qualified for appointment as an Administrative Member unless?

6 / 15

Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 shall not be applicable to which among the following employees?

7 / 15

The Chairman of the Central Administrative Tribunal shall hold office as such for a term of _____ years from the date on which he enters upon his office?

8 / 15

Central Administrative Tribunals are established under which article of the constitution of India?

9 / 15

Central Administrative Tribunal is established under which section of Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985?

10 / 15

Chairman and every other Member of an Administrative Tribunal for a State shall be appointed by the President after consultation with?

11 / 15

What is the maximum age limit up to which a person can function as the Chairman of Central Administrative Tribunal?

12 / 15

Qualifications for appointment as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other members of Central Administrative Tribunal is mentioned in which section of Administrative Tribunal Act 1985?

13 / 15

A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a Judicial Member, unless he is?

14 / 15

A Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal shall consist of?

15 / 15

Principal Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal is situated at?

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MCQ Quiz on Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) Act 1985

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1. Chairman and every other Member of an Administrative Tribunal for a State shall be appointed by the President after consultation with?
(A)Chief Justice of the respective High Court
(B)Chief Minister of the State
(C)Governor of the concerned State
(D)None of the above
Ans: (C)Governor of the concerned State

2. Administrative Tribunals Act 1985 is act no. ______ of 1985?
Ans: (B)13

3. A person shall not be qualified for appointment as an Administrative Member unless?
(A)he has held for at least two years the post of Secretary to the Government of India
(B)he has held any post under the Central or State Government and carrying the scale of pay which is not less than that of a Secretary to the Government of India
(C)held a post of Additional Secretary to the Government of India for at least five years
(D)Any of the above
Ans: (D)Any of the above

4. A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairman of the Central Administrative Tribunal unless he is, or has been?
(A)a Judge of a High Court
(B)a Judge of a Supreme Court
(C)a Judge of a First Class Magistrate Court
(D)Any of the above
Ans: (A)a Judge of a High Court

5. A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a Judicial Member, unless he is?
(A)qualified to be a Judge of a High Court
(B)he has for at least two years held the post of a Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Legal Affairs or the Legislative Department including Member-Secretary, Law Commission of India
(C)he has held a post of Additional Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Legal Affairs and Legislative Department at least for a period of five years
(D)Any of the above
Ans: (D)Any of the above

6. What is the maximum age limit up to which a person can function as the Chairman of Central Administrative Tribunal?
(A)60 years
(B)65 years
(C)68 years
(D)70 years
Ans: (C)68 years

7. Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 shall not be applicable to which among the following employees?
(A)any member of armed forces of the Union
(B)any officer or servant of the Supreme Court or of any High Court
(C)any person appointed to the secretarial staff of either House of Parliament
(D)All the above
Ans: (D)All the above

8. The Chairman of the Central Administrative Tribunal shall hold office as such for a term of _ years from the date on which he enters upon his office?
(A)Three Years
(B)Six Years
(C)Four Years
(D)Five years
Ans: (D)Five years

9. Central Administrative Tribunal is established under which section of Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985?
(A)Section 4
(B)Section 3
(C)Section 6
(D)Section 10
Ans: (A)Section 4

10. Qualifications for appointment as Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other members of Central Administrative Tribunal is mentioned in which section of Administrative Tribunal Act 1985?
(A)Section 4
(B)Section 5
(C)Section 6
(D)Section 7
Ans: (C)Section 6

11. A Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal shall consist of?
(A)one Judicial Member
(B)one Administrative Member
(C)Both A and B
(D)Both A or B
Ans: (C)Both A and B

12. Central Administrative Tribunals are established under which article of the constitution of India?
(A)Article 226
(B)Article 151
(C)Article 323 – A
(D)Article 256-A
Ans: (C)Article 323 – A

13. Principal Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal is situated at?
(D)New Delhi
Ans: (D)New Delhi

14. The Chairman and every other Member of the Central Administrative Tribunal shall be appointed by the President after consultation with?
(A)Prime Minister of India
(B)Chief Justice of India
(C)Loksabha Speaker
(D)All the above
Ans: (B)Chief Justice of India

15. Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 came into force on?
(A)27 February 1985
(B)1 January 1986
(C)1 July 1985
(D)1 January 1985
Ans: (C)1 July 1985

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