MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers

Hi friends, here is the MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers. Brochure on Casual Labourers and instructions on Casual labourer issued by DoP&T from time to time is part of Paper 3 of syllabus of Inspector Posts Examination (IPO Exam). Here we present before you an useful MCQ Quiz Casual Labourers. Those preparing for Postal Service Group B Exam (PS Gr.B Exam).

MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers
MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers

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MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers

MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers

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1 / 15

Casual labourers are eligible for which among the following leave?

2 / 15

As per Section 4 of Casual Labourers Scheme 1993, Temporary status would be conferred on all casual labourers who are in employment on the date of issue of OM and who have rendered a continuous service of at least ____ year?

3 / 15

How many vacancies in Group `D’ cadres in respective offices where the casual labourers have been working would be filled up as per extant recruitment rules and in accordance with the instructions issued by Department of Personnel and Training from amongst casual workers with temporary status?

4 / 15

To grant Temporary status to Casual labourers, they must have been engaged for a period of at least ____ days in a year, in case of offices observing 5 days week?

5 / 15

Temporary status would entitle the casual labourers to the following benefits?

6 / 15

Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Temporary Status of Casual Labourers? i. Conferment of temporary status would be without reference to the creation/availability of regular Group `D’ posts ii. Conferment of temporary status on a casual labourer would not involve any change in his duties and responsibilities

7 / 15

After rendering _____ years’ continuous service after conferment of temporary status, the casual labourers would be treated on par with temporary Group `D’ employees for the purpose of contribution to the General Provident Fund?

8 / 15

9 / 15

10 / 15

"Casual Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularisation) Scheme of Government of India, 1993 shall not be applicable to?

11 / 15

"Casual Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularisation) Scheme of Government of India, 1993" came into force on?

12 / 15

___ percent of the service rendered by Casual labourers under temporary status by would be counted for the purpose of retirement benefits after their regularisation?

13 / 15

To grant Temporary status to Casual labourers, they must have been engaged for a period of at least ____ days in a year?

14 / 15

Despite conferment of temporary status, the services of a casual labourer may be dispensed with by giving a notice of ____ month in writing?

15 / 15

Leave entitlement to casual labourers will be on a pro-rata basis at the rate of one day for every ____ days of work?

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MCQ Quiz on Brochure On Casual Labourers

1. “Casual Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularisation) Scheme of Government of India, 1993” came into force on?
1 September 1993
1 January 1994
1 July 1993
22 July 1993
Correct answer
1 September 1993

2. “Casual Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularisation) Scheme of Government of India, 1993 shall not be applicable to?
Department of Telecommunication
Department of Posts
All the above
Correct answer
All the above

3. As per Section 4 of Casual Labourers Scheme 1993, Temporary status would be conferred on all casual labourers who are in employment on the date of issue of OM and who have rendered a continuous service of at least __ year?
Three Years
Five Years
Two Years
One year
Correct answer
One year

4. To grant Temporary status to Casual labourers, they must have been engaged for a period of at least __ days in a year?
206 days
240 days
200 days
300 days
Correct answer
240 days

5. To grant Temporary status to Casual labourers, they must have been engaged for a period of at least __ days in a year, in case of offices observing 5 days week?
206 days
240 days
200 days
300 days
Correct answer
206 days

6. The engagement of Casual labourers will be on __ rates of pay on need basis?
Correct answer

7. Which among the following is/are correct with regard to Temporary Status of Casual Labourers? i. Conferment of temporary status would be without reference to the creation/availability of regular Group `D’ posts ii. Conferment of temporary status on a casual labourer would not involve any change in his duties and responsibilities
Only i is correct
Only ii is correct
Both i and ii are correct
None of the above are correct
Correct answer
Both i and ii are correct

8. Temporary status would entitle the casual labourers to the following benefits?
Wages at daily rates with reference to the minimum of the pay scale for a corresponding regular Group D’ official including DA, HRA and CCA Maternity leave to lady casual labourers as admissible to regular GroupD’ employees will be allowed.
Until they are regularized, they would be entitled to Productivity Linked Bonus/ Adhoc bonus only at the rates as applicable to casual labourers
All the above
Correct answer
All the above

9. Leave entitlement to casual labourers will be on a pro-rata basis at the rate of one day for every __ days of work?
30 days
20 days
10 days
5 days
Correct answer
10 days

10. Casual labourers are eligible for which among the following leave?
Casual Leave
Earned leave
Half Pay Leave
Maternity Leave
Correct answer
Maternity Leave

11. _____ percent of the service rendered by Casual labourers under temporary status by would be counted for the purpose of retirement benefits after their regularisation?
Correct answer

12. Which among the following is correct with regard to Casual labourers under temporary status? i. They will also be allowed to carry forward the leave at their credit on their regularisation. ii. They will not be entitled to the benefits of encashment of leave on termination of service for any reason or on their quitting service
Only i is correct
Only ii is correct
Both i and ii are correct
None of the above
Correct answer
Both i and ii are correct

13. After rendering _ years’ continuous service after conferment of temporary status, the casual labourers would be treated on par with temporary Group `D’ employees for the purpose of contribution to the General Provident Fund?
ten years
five years
three years
one year
Correct answer
three years

14. Despite conferment of temporary status, the services of a casual labourer may be dispensed with by giving a notice of __ month in writing?
three months
two months
one month
No such provision
Correct answer
one month

15. How many vacancies in Group `D’ cadres in respective offices where the casual labourers have been working would be filled up as per extant recruitment rules and in accordance with the instructions issued by Department of Personnel and Training from amongst casual workers with temporary status?
Two out of every three
One out of every five
All the vacancies
Correct answer
Two out of every three

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