MCQ on CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 – Part 1

Hi friends, in this post we are sharing with you the first part of MCQ on CCS(Pension) Rules,1972.

CCS [Pension] Rules, 1972 govern the pension and retirement matters of Central Government Employees. Being an employee of a Government Department it is very essential to know about pension emoluments, as it is very important part of any Departmental Competitive Examinations.

CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Thus, in this post we are sharing with you some useful Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) related to CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 in Quiz format. This will be useful for Departmental exams like Inspector Posts Exam [IP Exam], PS Gr.B Examination, AAO Examination etc and other departmental examinations by India Post. So in this part we will be covering 10 Questions. Day by day in the upcoming posts we will be discussing more questions and by the end complete topic will be covered. Please Bookmark our website and visit daily for more updates. We assure you success in the above examinations if you can regularly study the materials posted in this website.

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MCQ on CCS(Pension) Rules,1972

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CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Part 1

Useful MCQ for IP/PS Gr.B/AAO and other Departmental Exams

1 / 10

Who reserves the right to withhold or withdraw pension as per Rule 9 of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?

2 / 10

The appointing authority may, by order in writing, withhold or withdraw a pension or a part thereof, whether permanently or for a specified period under which circumstance?

3 / 10

Future good conduct shall be an implied condition of every grant of pension and its continuance under as per Rule ___ of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?

4 / 10

Which among the following is true about CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?

5 / 10

'Retirement Benefits' under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 includes?

6 / 10

'Pension Disbursing Authority' under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 means?

7 / 10

'Government' under the definition of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 means?

8 / 10

'Child' under the definition of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 means? (i) son under 25 years of age (ii) daughter under 25 years of age (iii) unmarried daughter of any age (iv) unmarried daughter under 25 years of age

9 / 10

Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall be applicable to?

10 / 10

Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 came into force on?

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Question covered in this Quiz on CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972

1.Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 came into force on?
(A) 1 December 1972
(B) 1 January 1973
(C) 1 June 1972
(D) 1 July 1975

2. Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall be applicable to?
(A) Persons paid from contingencies
(B) Railway servants
(C) Government servants appointed on or before 31.12.2003
(D) Members of the All India Services

3. ‘Child’ under the definition of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 means? (i) son under 25 years of age (ii) daughter under 25 years of age (iii) unmarried daughter of any age (iv) unmarried daughter under 25 years of age
(A) (i) and (ii) only
(B) (i) and (iii) only
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
(D) (i) and (iv) only

4. ‘Government’ under the definition of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 means?
(A) Central Government
(B) State Government
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) or (B)

5. ‘Pension Disbursing Authority’ under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 means?
(A) Branch of a nationalised bank
(B) Treasury including sub-treasury
(C) Accounts Officer
(D) All the above

6. ‘Retirement Benefits’ under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 includes?
(A) Pension
(B) Service gratuity
(C) Retirement gratuity
(D) All the above

7. Which among the following is true about CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?
(A) The date of death shall be treated as a working day
(B) The day on which a Government servant retires or is retired or is discharged or is allowed to resign from service, as the case may be, shall be treated as his last working day
(C) Both A and B are true
(D) None of these

8. Future good conduct shall be an implied condition of every grant of pension and its continuance under as per Rule _ of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?
(A) Rule 56
(B) Rule 48-A
(C) Rule 8
(D) Rule 4

9. The appointing authority may, by order in writing, withhold or withdraw a pension or a part thereof, whether permanently or for a specified period under which circumstance?
(A) If the pensioner is employed in a private firm having remuneration more than pension
(B) if the pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or is found guilty of grave misconduct
(C) if the pensioner is involved in some petty cases
(D) if the pensioner is not looking after his family

10. Who reserves the right to withhold or withdraw pension as per Rule 9 of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972?
(A) Appointing Authority
(B) Disciplinary Authority
(C) Pension Disbursing Authority
(D) President of India


1. (C) 1 June 1972

2. (C) Government servants appointed on or before 31.12.2003

3. (D) (i) and (iv) only

4. (A) Central Government

5. (D) All the above

6. (D) All the above

7. (C) Both A and B are true

8. (C) Rule 8

9. (B) if the pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or is found guilty of grave misconduct

10. (D) President of India

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