Inspector Posts Exam 2021: Mock Test with Previous Questions [Exam 41]

Hi friends, here is the Inspector Posts Exam 2021: Mock Test with Previous Questions. Mock Tests are the important tool to crack any competitive Examinations. When it comes to Inspector Posts Exam, it can be seen that 70% Questions are previous questions. Daily we are conducting Mock Test for the upcoming IPO Exam scheduled on 18th and 19th February 2021.

Mock Test on Previous Year Questions from Inspector Posts Exam
Mock Test on Previous Year Questions from Inspector Posts Exam

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Pattern of Mock Test.

No.of Questions : 50 Questions

Time Limit: No time limit

[Exam Date: 20 November 2021 – 8.30 PM]

Created on
Mock Test on Previous Year Questions from Inspector Posts Exam


Attempt random questions from previous year IPO Exams and Check your score!!

1 / 50

These will be delivered through Post Box:

2 / 50

Name the countries for which Money Order services are available from India?

3 / 50

For the purpose of grant of family pension, who among the following is not categorized under Category-I

4 / 50

What is the security deposit amount to be deposited to avail the facility of "posting of Registered Newspaper without prepayment of postage"?

5 / 50

Which of the following statement is correct as regards handling of "Blind Literature" for foreign countries?

6 / 50

What is the procedure for posting of Inland Unregistered parcel?

7 / 50

The booking of Service Morey Order needs authorization of?

8 / 50

Which of the following statements regarding Sukanya Samridhi Yojana are correct? i. Minimum deposit is 1000/- and maximum is 1,50,000/- in a financial year ii. Minimum deposit is 250/- and maximum is 1,50000/- in a financial year iii. Subsequent deposits can be in multiples of Rs 100/- only iv. Deposit of Rs 1,50,000/- can be made in lumpsum in a financial year

9 / 50

Which office maintains the philatelic deposit account?

10 / 50

What is the fee for recall of article?

11 / 50

In which form every record clerk must keep a stationery register?

12 / 50

Who is responsible to maintain Service books of all postal establishments in a postal division?

13 / 50

What is the currency period of a money order?

14 / 50

What is the maximum weight of a registered parcel that can be booked in a departmental post office?

15 / 50

The weight of an Airmail bag should not exceed:

16 / 50

Addressee of a foreign article containing valuable the insurance of which is compulsory when presented for delivery was asked to pay the postage due. Addressee refused to pay the due and take delivery. How such articles are disposed?

17 / 50

Widow appointed on compassionate appointment on remarriage is

18 / 50

KYC norms for booking of foreign articles in India are not required for the following

19 / 50

Extraordinary leave will not count as qualifying service for pension in one of the following cases:

20 / 50

What is the maximum amount up to which a VP letter can be booked?

21 / 50

Camp Bag of Higher officers booked as letter mail will be charge as follows:

22 / 50

What is the fee for redirection of a letter?

23 / 50

For “Packets of Newspaper” to be delivered at the addressee’s residence this is necessary:

24 / 50

When is the license of "Business Reply Service" renewed every year?

25 / 50

What type of post offices maintain complaints and suggestion book?

26 / 50

The authority competent to grant casual leave under Rule 99(e) of Postal Manual Volume IV is:

27 / 50

The aim of the Mail Operations Hardware stream off the IT Modernization Project aim at

28 / 50

In which post offices articles can be insured?

29 / 50

If an article received for delivery is suspected to contain anything the importation of which is prohibited, the Postmaster will:

30 / 50

Full form of CPGRAMS is:

31 / 50

The complaint relating to loss of unregistered mails should be accompanied by the following information:
(a) Date of posting (b) Letter box where article was posted and the person who has posted it
(c) Full address on the article (d) Time of posting of the article

32 / 50

Which one of the below mentioned options is not correct with reference to Child Adoption Leave

33 / 50

34 / 50

What is the maximum weight of an Aerogramme?

35 / 50

In half yearly enumeration returns Postmaster will collect _____

36 / 50

What is current rate of GST levied on PLI/RPLI premia [new policy]

37 / 50

Interruption or break-in-service under FR 17-A will not affect one of the following:

38 / 50

What is the maximum weight of outward foreign letter?

39 / 50

Children Educational Allowance is admissible in all the following cases except

40 / 50

Blind literature packets are exempted from payment of the following fees

41 / 50

Controller of Foreign Mails is located in ...............

42 / 50

The terms CAPEX and OPEX you can find in

43 / 50

If any foreign parcel is returned to sender for having contained prohibited article, what is the liability of the sender?

44 / 50

Which of the following does not belong to unusual mail?

45 / 50

Master Schedule of Forms will be thoroughly reviewed after every ______ years.

46 / 50

Whether insured parcel can be sent to all the countries from India?

47 / 50

Letters of Credit is ordinarily used for?

48 / 50

Railway Mail Service means the service responsible for carriage of mails by:

49 / 50

Co-operative stores/societies accommodated in the departmental buildings (subject to conditions) are required to pay:

50 / 50

Maturity period on Savings Certificates is:

Your score is

The average score is 67%


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Inspector Posts Exam 2021: Mock Test with Previous Questions

1. What is the maximum weight of outward foreign letter?
1 Kg
2 Kg
5 Kg
10 Kg

2. Which office maintains the philatelic deposit account?
Philatelic Bureaux
Philatelic counters
All of these
None of these

3. Whether insured parcel can be sent to all the countries from India?
Foreign parcels addressed to all countries can be insured for their entire transmission.
There is no insurance facility for foreign parcels
Foreign parcels addressed to certain countries can be insured for their entire transmission
None of the above

4. Maturity period on Savings Certificates is:
12 months
2 Years
5 Years
36 months

5. Camp Bag of Higher officers booked as letter mail will be charge as follows:
Letter mail Charge + Registration charge + Incidental Charge
Letter mail charge +Registration Charge
Letter mail charge
None of these

6. What is the maximum weight of an Aerogramme?
2 Grams
3 Grams
10 Grams
None of these

7. Full form of CPGRAMS is:
Comprehensive Public Grievance Redress And Management System
Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System
Centralized Public Grievance Response And Management System
Comprehensive Public Grievance Response And Monitoring System

8. Children Educational Allowance is admissible in all the following cases except
Extra ordinary leave
Dies non
Casual leave

9. If an article received for delivery is suspected to contain anything the importation of which is prohibited, the Postmaster will:
Send a notice to addressee asking him to attend within 48 hours
Send a notice to sender and ask him to attend within 36 hours
Send the article to RLO and issue notice to sender
Send the article to Customs Officer for opening

10. Master Schedule of Forms will be thoroughly reviewed after every __ years.

11. For the purpose of grant of family pension, who among the following is not categorized under Category-I
Widow/ widower

12. If any foreign parcel is returned to sender for having contained prohibited article, what is the liability of the sender?
Delivered to sender free of any charge
The charges for conveyance resulting there from are recoverable from the sender
The parcel is forfeited at country of destination
None of these

13. Extraordinary leave will not count as qualifying service for pension in one of the following cases:
EOL granted on Medical Certificate
EOL granted due to inability to rejoin duty on account of civil commotion
EOL granted for prosecuting higher technical and scientific studies
EOL granted for child care

14. What is the currency period of a money order?
The money order remains current for two calendar months from the month of issue of the money order
Money order remains current till the end of month following the month of issue.
The money order remains current till one year from the month or issue.
The money order will remain current till the end of three months from the date of issue.

15. Controller of Foreign Mails is located in ……………
New Delhi

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