Current Affairs Mock Test: 8 June 2021

Hi friends, welcome to our series Current Affairs Mock Test: 8 June 2021. This is not a place to learn daily Current Affairs. Whereas, you can check Daily Current Affairs MCQ Quiz from here. But instead, this is a place to review and learn Current Affairs of previous weeks as Mock Test. As this comes in the form of a Mock Test, this will definitely help you in your preparations for competitive Exams.

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Current Affairs Mock Test: 8 June 2021

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Current Affairs MOCK EXAM FREE

Current Affairs Mock No.2

Rewind Previous Day Current Affairs and Check Your memory!!

1 / 20

Which state recently secured first place in implementation of Smart City Mission schemes?

2 / 20

Kharg, the largest warship of which country catched fire and sinks in the Gulf of Oman on 2 June 2021?

3 / 20

Which team recently won the UEFA Women's Champions League?

4 / 20

When the National flag of India is displayed in Indian territory with the National Flags of other countries in a straight line, it is displayed at

5 / 20

What is the theme of World Milk Day 2021 which is observed every year on 1 June?

6 / 20

Name the Indian wrestler who failed his dope test before the Tokyo Olympics scheduled to be held in Japan in 2021?

7 / 20

Which country has recently decided to allow each couple to have three children, putting an end to its two-child policy?

8 / 20

Reserve Bank of India on 21 May 2021 has announced change of its accounting period to?

9 / 20

Who is the Current Chief Minister of Nagaland?

10 / 20

Who is the Current Chief Minister of Karnataka?

11 / 20

Name the noted Indian environmentalist and the person behind Chipko Movement who died due to COVID-19 on May 21, 2021?

12 / 20

Which football team won the UEFA Champions League final held on 29 May 2021?

13 / 20

Which Grand Slam Tennis tournament on May 24, 2021, that it will be implementing the use of electronic line calling on all courts instead of line judges from its tournament from this year?

14 / 20

World Hunger Day is observed on?

15 / 20

Historian Laurence des Cars recently became the first female president of Musée du Louvre, the world’s largest museum in 228 years. Musée du Louvre is situated at?

16 / 20

Stamps specifically issued for day to day postal needs and placed on sale for an unlimited period are known as:

17 / 20

Who among the following has been honoured with the International ENI Award 2020 for his research in renewable energy sources and energy storage?

18 / 20

Railway recently ordered the suspension of which Olympic medal winner wrestler?

19 / 20

Who took charge as Director General of Assam Rifles on 1 June 2021?

20 / 20

What is the theme of World Environment Day 2021 observed on 5 June 2021?

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The average score is 45%


Pattern of Current Affairs Mock Exam

A total of 20 Questions selected randomly from previous few weeks Current Affairs will be included. Thus, if you are following our Daily Current Affairs MCQ, this is the place to review and polish your knowledge.

Sample Questions from Free Current Affairs Mock Test – 8 June 2021

1. Who among the following has been honoured with the International ENI Award 2020 for his research in renewable energy sources and energy storage?

2. Which state recently secured first place in implementation of Smart City Mission schemes?

3. Kharg, the largest warship of which country catched fire and sinks in the Gulf of Oman on 2 June 2021?

4. Who is the Current Chief Minister of Nagaland?

5. Who took charge as Director General of Assam Rifles on 1 June 2021?

6. Railway recently ordered the suspension of which Olympic medal winner wrestler?

7. What is the theme of World Milk Day 2021 which is observed every year on 1 June?

8. Which Grand Slam Tennis tournament on May 24, 2021, that it will be implementing the use of electronic line calling on all courts instead of line judges from its tournament from this year?

9. Reserve Bank of India on 21 May 2021 has announced change of its accounting period to?

10. Name the noted Indian environmentalist and the person behind Chipko Movement who died due to COVID-19 on May 21, 2021?

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